Friday, May 28, 2010

On behalf of AKB headed by our chairman, Elizaldy S. Co, we are humbled by the tremendous mandate given by our fellow Bicolanos to our very own party list. You did not only give us your vote, but you made us the number 1 party list nationwide.

We cannot achieve this great honor alone. We owe it to our Lord God who was instrumental in uniting us as a people behind our very own party list.

Dios Mabalos Lord. We again ask you to help and guide our duly elected representatives to truly serve the interests and welfare of our people for your greater glory.

Dios Mabalos man Bicol. Let us continue to be united behind our very own party list so we can effectively strenthen and expand our programs and projects for the betterment of Bicolanos and the Bicol Region.

For after all… ang sabi ta ngani.. Sinda..Kita..Ika … Gabos Kita… Ako Bicol!

Monday, May 3, 2010

AKB's answer to Tessa Lopez's (Bayan - Bikol) malicious accusations

Dear Katrina,
Hi! Thank you for sending us the letter to the editor of a certain Tessa Lopez, the alleged Public Information Officer of Bayan – Bikol.
After going over the letter of Tessa (allow us to call her that para kunwari close ), we found out that it is nothing but a rehash of old baseless issues replete with lies and innuendoes circulated eons ago by the same group. Such letter is a very desperate but futile attempt to discredit the party list of Bicolanos, AKB, from going up the ratings, which is steadily rising . That is so sad because we Bicolanos, through AKB, right from the very start of the campaign period, intended to conduct our campaign at the highest level based on issues not on personalities, on merit and performance not on calumnies, as well as based on programs and platforms and not on empty promises. It is doubly sad that this group has went down to the gutters, so to speak, just so their votes will not be affected. But you can be assured Katrina that we will never go down to their level and make stories just to convince our fellow Bicolanos to vote for our party list. Allow us, therefore, to expose the blatant lies of this group, to wit:
First, Tessa’s desperation to connect our party list to GMA just so to discredit us is so obvious. She admitted it herself that we are now in the top three and according to her, “our tactic to distance ourselves from GMA seemed to work.” Accordingly, Tessa again tried to connect us to GMA but just like in the past, she is destined to fail and this time, she will fail soooooo miserably. (lol! Lol! again!). Why is this so Katrina? Because the truth will always come out Katrina and reason will always prevail. No matterhow you cover the truth with lies and black propaganda, in the end, the truth will always set us free.
Now Katrina, let us go to the ultimate question. Are we dummies of GMA so that she can be elected as Speaker of the House and eventually become prime minister? For the uninitiated and those who have intellectual pretensions, they would take this GMA gambit hook, line and sinker. I call this Katrina the “budol-budol-kigkig” effect which Tessa’s group has already mastered to perfection, and in the process, claiming innocent victims. You see, Tessa and her ilk loves labeling people, shouting slogans and engaging in agit-props. They will shout, call you names, swear on you and yes, they are very good in upholding mob rule. This is their expertise and nothing more.

And so, Katrina, let us analyze if indeed we are dummies of GMA in order for her to become Speaker. I am not sure if Tessa knows that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, while technically elected by his/her peers in Congress, is actually selected by the President. The President will naturally select a congressman who has his trust and confidence that will support his legislative agenda. Among all the presidential wannabes, no one in his right mind, would select GMA as his speaker knowing full well that he cannot sleep tightly in Malacanang, with an overly ambitious speaker threatening the President with impeachment every time he does something not to her liking. With the high negative ratings of PGMA, all presidentiables are now avoiding PGMA like a plague. Hence, we can be sure that the next president does not owe any political debt to PGMA nor will the next president allow himself to be an automaton of GMA after what he had been through just to get elected. The next president, whoever he may be, will never select GMA as his Speaker unless he is so stupid as to get a boulder to hammer on his head. But then Katrina, assuming that GMA is really bent on becoming Speaker and she will strike a deal with the next President. Analyzing this scenario is easy as ABC. We’ll just look at the leading presidentiables who have high probability of winning the polls—these are of course, Noynoy, Manny and Erap. Now tell me Katrina, who among these presidentiables, will most likely deal with GMA so she can be Speaker. Your guess is as good as mine Katrina! Yes Katrina, it so happens that this presidentiable is the same presidentiable who is being assiduously supported and endorsed by Tessa’s group! Now tell me now, who is the real dummy of GMA? The morale of the story Katrina: Never, never point a finger at anybody because you’ll never know, there will be ten fingers including ten toes pointing back at you! Let us have a good laugh on that Katrina.
The truth Katrina is this. AKB was formed by Bicolanos, for the Bicolanos and with the Bicolanos. It will support the next President and not PGMA who is no longer the President after noontime of June 30, 2010. Accordingly, assuming that PGMA got elected as congresswoman of the 2nd District of Pampanga, AKB has no connection with her whatsoever since she has nothing to do with Bicol anymore but will only be attending to the parochial concerns of her district. What is certain, however, is that AKB will be supporting the next President since he is the one given mandate by our people. We want the next president to succeed since his failure, is the failure of the Filipino nation.
Second, tell me Katrina, is there a possibility that GMA will become Prime Minister? Sometimes, I wonder if Tessa and her group know our democratic processes. You see, before we change into a parliamentary form of government, we need to amend our constitution. Now what is the probability of this Katrina? Almost nil. Since the approval of the 1987 Constitution, several attempts were made to amend it from the time of Cory to GMA, but these never went beyond first base. You need a law to do that Katrina either providing for a constituent assembly or constitutional convention. Assuming that the House of Representatives will get the numbers to pass a bill to amend the Constitution, do you think this will pass through the Senate? Do you think our newly-elected senators, even the veterans, are so stupid so as to allow the abolition of their offices and adopt a unicameral system? Of course not! At this stage, the proposal to change into a unicameral legislature or parliamentary form is dead as in really dead. And assuming that this will pass through the Senate, would you think the President would sign it into law? And assuming that the President was not in his lucid state when he signed such measure, do you think our countrymen will approve of charter change? Now you see Katrina how the “budol-budol kigkig effect” perfected by Tessa’s group works. Again, let us have a good laugh on that Katrina.
Third, Tessa and her herd are wondering who is funding our campaign since according to her, we have lot of air time and vehicles and to her consternation, have even reached Manila! OMG! Tessa is wondering how we reached Manila. Perhaps, she never heard about our widely acclaimed Operation Tarabangan caravan whereby Bicolanos from all walks of life contributed whatever little they have to help victims of typhoon Ondoy in Metro Manila and Calabarzon areas. I wonder where Tessa was at that time.
At any rate, if she is wondering about our air time, it is with more reason we are wondering where their candidate for senator is getting the funds for his seemingly limitless air time on national, repeat, national, TV and radio. We are also wondering where they get their funds for their limitless posters which did not only reach Manila but are omnipresent from the northernmost point of Luzon to the southernmost point of Mindanao and from the easternmost point of Samar to the westernmost point of Palawan. If they are wondering of our three service vehicles which we use to cover the six provinces of Bicol, we are infinitely amazed by their countless jeepneys from north to south, east to west of the archipelago, blaring their jingles and carrying their seeming inexhaustible campaign materials. We are simply awed by the sheer efficiency of Tessa’s group in destroying the landscape of our archipelago with their paper posters, pasting them wherever they want to place them and effectively converting our environment into one big garbage bin. And finally, we can but shake our heads how Tessa’s group have perfected the art of preventing us from campaigning in our very own region! Wow, that is really for the books Katrina. We surmise that this is what we call “power- power-power” a direct aftershock for staying in power for too long. And indeed, power corrupts, and yes, it corrupts absolutely.
Lastly, Tessa is even dictating when we should submit our nominees. There was never any delay in the submission of nominees. Otherwise, our nominees would have been disqualified. And Mayor Rosal as nominee? He is not even a member of AKB. How can then he qualify as nominee? Another thing, how can a non-nominee replace a nominee? We wonder if Tessa is reading the law on party list. You see Katrina, this is the problem of people who are experts in the “budol-budol kigkig effect.” They make kigkig kigkig to you even these are blatant lies and if you succumb to it, you might consider these as true. For the information of Tessa, only a named nominee can replace another nominee. A nominee can never be replaced by an outsider not so named. That is why, Tessa’s group has submitted more than the five required nominees. We wonder why.
We really appreciate Tessa’s letter as this gave us an opportunity to refute whatever lies and black propaganda hurled at us. If Tessa is a Bicolana, we are willing to extend our hand and invite her to join our party list, AKB. But she has to have complete transformation and a make-over first. She has to learn to enunciate AKB’s platforms, programs and projects which are not only written on paper but are already being implemented for the benefit of our fellow Bicolanos. And yes, the most important thing of all, Tessa should learn to tell the truth.
So Katrina, you can sleep well. You have fulfilled your urgent assignment.
God Bless
AKB NO. 57

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Why Ako Bikol (AKB No. 57) should be in our list

On behalf of AKB (Ako Bicol) Party List, I would like to thank Atty. Luis Ruben General for his article (Bicol Mail, April 8, 2010 issue) for generating interest in our party list system of representation. Since the institution of the party list system, Bicolanos have not expressed any interest in the party list system as evidenced by the small percentage of voters in the region voting for a party list group. In 2007, only 30% of Bicolano voters who actually voted cast their votes for a party list group --- the highest percentage so far. Atty. General is doing a great service in strengthening the party list system with his digression, albeit, inaccurate and at worse, baseless.

Allow us, therefore, to set the record straight with respect to certain issues raised against our party list.

It’s unfortunate that Atty. General was not able to access our website, which is visited by hundreds of netcitizens everyday. Had he opened it, he would have learned that AKB was already in existence as early as 2006 and was not created for election purposes. It started as a self-help organization which catered to the relief and rehabilitation needs of victims of typhoon Reming. The members realized that through unity and mutual aid of Bicolanos, the organization was able to give new hope to victims of mega-disasters by giving new sources of livelihood—selling the rocks and sand spewed by Mayon Volcano. Eventually, AKB expanded to help and assist victims of disasters in Catanduanes, Camarines Sur, Sorsogon, Camarines Norte, Masbate and even in NCR and Calabarzon areas.

AKB is headed by Elizaldy Co as Chairman and Rodel Batocabe as President. According to the article, Mr. Co is the one financing AKB. This is quite unfair to the numerous members of AKB who have contributed financially to the cause of self-help and mutual aid espoused by AKB. There are also numerous others who may not have the financial capacity, but are also sharing their time and talent to achieve the mission and visions of AKB. Indeed, this is the basic principle of AKB --- you share what you have to the unfortunate since God did not give exactly the same blessings to each one of us. And the members of AKB have realized that the more they give of what they have, be it financially, time or talent, they are also doubly blessed. And that is where the not-so-open secret success of AKB lies. So, please don’t single out Mr. Co. Let us also be fair to others who have likewise contributed to the cause.

AKB decided, by accident, to join the electoral exercise through the party list system of representation since it wanted to strengthen further its programs and projects designed to help marginalized Bicolanos, including victims of calamities, farmers, fishermen, construction and quarry workers, senior citizens, teachers, people with disabilities, gays and lesbians and of course, our youth . The thousands of scholars, both in college and TESDA-accredited courses and the thousands of victims of calamities, and other beneficiaries of livelihood assistance rendered by AKB to different sectors within and outside the region can attest to the sincerity and dedication of AKB and its members to give a better life to Bicolanos on a long-term and sustainable basis.

AKB, therefore, was never created as a front for GMA in order for her to become Speaker. As a practicing lawyer, Atty. General knows that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, while technically elected by his/her peers in Congress, is actually selected by the President. The President will naturally select a congressman who has his trust and confidence and will support his legislative agenda. Among all the presidential wannabes, no one in his right mind, would select PGMA as his speaker knowing fully well that he can not sleep tightly in Malacanang, with an overly ambitious speaker threatening him with impeachment every time the President does something not to her liking. With the high negative ratings of PGMA, all presidentiables are now avoiding her like a plague. Hence, we can be sure that the next president does not owe any political debt to PGMA .Nor will the next president allow himself to be an automaton of PGMA after what he had been through just to get elected. Accordingly, assuming that PGMA got elected as congresswoman of the 2nd District of Pampanga, AKB has no connection with her whatsoever since she has nothing to do with Bicol anymore but will only be attending to the parochial concerns of her district. What is certain, however, is that AKB will be supporting the next President since he is the one given mandate by our people. We want the next president to succeed since his failure, is the failure of the Filipino nation.

Contrary to the accusation that AKB has no clear-cut and detailed program that will address basic issues confronting Bicolanos, AKB, the party list of Bicolanos, has a very simple but realistic and doable sustainable long-term program. Such program is backed by concrete numbers and figures as well as living witnesses and not by motherhood statements sugar coated with promises, as Atty. General would like us to believe.

First, AKB has done something to alleviate poverty and arrest unemployment/underemployment. AKB can present living testimonies of thousands of families affected by calamities who were not only given relief goods or dole-outs after every calamity. Rather, these families were also given hope through new sources of livelihood and to top it all, were able to send their children to college courtesy of the scholarships of AKB. Indeed, AKB, in its own small little way, was able to give employment to the unemployed, or even additional income to the underemployed. And this additional purchasing power has trickled down to the local economy, benefiting small businesses and entrepreneurs. The thousands of families directly benefited from AKB livelihood programs may be small compared to the hundred thousands of Bicolano families below the poverty line, but then, at least, AKB HAS DONE SOMETHING TO MAKE THE LIVES OF OUR FELLOW BICOLANOS BETTER. Can we say that also for other party-list groups, even those which are already in Congress?

Second, AKB, recognizing that education is the most effective and simplest way to combat poverty, has helped in the education of thousands of Bicolano youth who, by reason of poverty, can not go to college. These Bicolano youths, the very future of our region, are now given hope of a brighter future through our scholarship program. Again, these are not just a product of our fertile imagination, or a mere motherhood statement. This statement is backed by living witnesses who are now able to go to college or take short-term courses, courtesy of AKB. We can also produce the hundreds of scholars who graduated from college and vocational schools throughout the region who are already gainfully employed ( no longer members of the tambay brigade) and are now repaying back the generosity of AKB by helping their respective families and even better, sending a sibling or two to school. This number may be small compared to the million Bicolano youths (as attested to by the thousand examinees-applicant of our scholarship program) but at least, AKB HAS DONE SOMETHING TO MAKE THE LIVES OF OUR FELLOW BICOLANO YOUTHS BETTER. Can we say that also other for other party list groups, even those which are already in Congress?

Third, AKB has the largest privately-funded carabao dispersal and large animal de-worming program in the region. It has also an on-going coco-coir livelihood program designed to increase the income of our coconut farmers. It is also very active in helping arrest illegal fishing (you can verify that with the PNP Maritime Group) and in cleaning up our coastal areas. These programs may not have reached all our our Bicolano farmers and fishermen, but at least, AKB HAS DONE SOMETHING TO MAKE THE LIVES OF OUR BICOLANO FISHERMEN AND FARMERS BETTER. Can we say that also for other party list groups, even those which are already in Congress?

Fourth, AKB has conducted regular clean-up drives in the region participated by Bicolano students to make them aware of the importance of protecting our environment. We have supported the climate change adaptation programs of local government units. We have also instituted the largest privately-funded disaster management program in the region through our AKB Bantay Kalamidad Action Team. The AKB Bantay Kalamidad Action Team was praised by local, national and international media as well as political and church leaders, when it spearheaded the relief, medical and manpower caravan of trucks and heavy equipment to help the victims of typhoon Ondoy and Peping in Manila as well as in Calabarzon areas. Of course, this would not have been possible without the admirable generosity of the countless Bicolanos, poor as they are, who contributed whatever they have if only to help a rich but devastated region like Metro Manila. When Mayon Volcano erupted last December, AKB was conspicuously present in all the evacuation areas giving not only relief goods but bringing cheer to kids during the holiday season. And yes, we did our share in protecting the environment and safety by educating the evacuees and their children to use torotot instead of firecrackers. And we walk the talk so to speak – we distributed thousands of trumpets to the evacuees for them celebrate a safe and environmental-friendly new year! The contribution of AKB to the protection of the environment and disaster management might be miniscule compared to the efforts done by the government and other established non-government organizations. But then at least, AKB HAS DONE SOMETHING TO PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT IN BICOL AND IN DISASTER MANAGEMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR FELLOW BICOLANOS. Can we say that also for other party-list groups, even those which are already in Congress?

Fifth, AKB has been conducting regular medical and dental missions, including bloodletting, in various areas in the region on its own, and at times, in partnership with the military, socio-civic organizations, local government units and non-government organizations. It is very active in health advocacy campaigns like Smoke-Free Campaign and A1H1N1 awareness campaign. It was able to solicit hospital equipment abroad which are benefiting our fellow Bicolanos. Again, these are not just products of our fertile imagination but is backed up by countless photographs, videos as well as living testimonials from beneficiaries and participants. The health program of AKB might be very limited so much so that it can not adequately serve the health needs of majority of our fellow Bicolanos. But then, at least, AKB HAS DONE SOMETHING TO IMPROVE ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND INCREASED HEALTH AWARENESS AMONG OUR FELLOW BICOLANOS. Can we say that also for other party list groups, even those which are already in Congress?

Sixth, unknown to Atty. General, AKB, through its members and partners, has been very active in working for the competitiveness of our region in the Business Process Out-sourcing (BPO) industry. AKB has helped in manpower skills training through its call center agent scholarship program. Take Legazpi City for instance. From a competitive ranking of bottom 25 out of more than a 100 locations, Legazpi City is now ranked 12th among all locations nationwide. This can be easily verified from the records of the Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT) and Business Processing Association of the Philippines. If we can do that in Legazpi City, we can do that also in other cities in the region. We may not be as competitive as Manila or Cebu, but then, at least, AKB HAS DONE SOMETHING TO MAKE THE BPO INDUSTRY IN THE REGION COMPETITIVE. Can we say that also for other party-list groups, even those which are already in Congress?

Seventh, AKB is cognizant of the power problem in the region. As a matter of fact, it recognizes that it could never solve this problem alone as several prominent political leaders in Bicol have tried in the past but nonetheless, failed. However, it is doing its share by enticing investors to assist the region in producing alternative, renewable and cheap sources of power. AKB hopes that these investments in clean energy will redound to the benefit of the region not only in terms of cheap electricity but also in a clean environment. The efforts of AKB in the energy sector may not be enough to bring power rates down as soon as possible in the region, but then, at least, AKB HAS DONE SOMETHING TO HELP SOLVE THE POWER PROBLEM IN BICOL. Can we say that also for other party -list groups , even those which are already in Congress?

Eighth, AKB can enumerate its other programs involving Bicol arts, history, culture, tourism and other sectors such as gays and lesbians, senior citizens and teachers but these will take a lot of space. But rest assured, Atty. General, we can produce Bicolano artists, musicians, gays and lesbians, teachers and senior citizens who can testify on our programs which have already benefited them. We do not even have to go far. Perhaps, you have seen our streamers screaming support in every major Bicol festivals. But these are not just mere lip service – we give moral and financial assistance. Moreover, every time you hear the AKO BICOL jingle, either the rap or kundiman version, these are all originally composed and sang by Bicolanos --- a clear testimony to the talent and virtuosity of our fellow Bicolanos. All our materials, video and campaign materials, were all made by Bicolanos. And yes, we are so proud of Bicolano talents and workers that we did not even have to pirate a known composition to be our jingle. All of these are proudly Bicol made. Even during relief operations in our region and in Metro Manila, we distributed Bicol-made products like banig, walis tingting, tambo, coconut husk floor polisher all made by our cottage industries in Bicol instead of China-made products. That is not only being proud of being Bicolano but more importantly, that is improving the lives of our region mates and our regional economy as well. Indeed, we may not have the monopoly of loving everything inherent in Bicol, but then, at least, AKB HAS DONE SOMETHING TO ENHANCE BICOL PRIDE AND CONFIDENCE. Can we say that for other party-list groups, even those which are in Congress?

Modesty aside, the foregoing programs and projects were all done by AKB and Bicolanos without any government support and assistance. But we could have done more. And that is precisely the reason why AKB decided to enter the political arena to grab the wonderful opportunity afforded by the party-list system of representation . With government’s help, we hope to further strengthen our programs and projects for the benefit of marginalized Bicolanos. As the biggest investor in the region for lack of viable private industries, an additional funding from the government through additional representation will go a long way in creating job opportunities, alleviating poverty, improving health and social services and spurring economic growth in the region.

If Atty. General can show that Bicol and the Bicolanos are no longer poor and are already given ample support by the national government, there is no more reason for AKB to participate in the party list system. But then, as it is, Bicol and the Bicolanos are still generally poor and marginalized. If AKB will not act and participate in the party-list system of representation, other regional groups like the Warays, Ilonggos, Ilocanos and those from Mindanao, will get the seats which should have pertained to marginalized Bicolanos. As a Bicolano, we hope and pray that Atty. General will not think like Federico Pascual who have no connection and sympathy with our region and our people. Call it tribalism or whatsoever, but the fact is, no one understands better the needs and aspirations of Bicolanos but Bicolanos themselves.

It may also help our dear readers to inform them about AKB’s stand on Bicol autonomy. Autonomy, no doubt, is a wonderful and tempting idea. Who would not want full autonomy? But then AKB is also cognizant of the ills spawned by full autonomy with unstable and weak democratic institutions like the media, judiciary, police, military, people’s organizations and local government executives. Unless we have a strong system of checks and balances brought about by our mature democratic institutions, there is always the temptation that power will be concentrated only to a few. The question is—do we have mature democratic institutions that can spontaneously check its other’s abuses without fear or favor? If we can not control corruption among our democratic institutions, there is always that fear that power will only be concentrated in the hands of the few or even one family. Think of Maguindanao. Think of Cordillera. AKB, therefore, is for autonomy but it should be done gradually, starting first with step by step devolution of powers of the national government until such time our region is economically and politically prepared to govern ourselves so as to check abuses of power brought about by a poor economy and weak democratic institutions.

We would like to end this piece by introducing the nominees whom Atty. General described as virtual unknowns . Indeed, our nominees do not belong to known political clans in Bicol but rather, they are all low-profile individuals who have distinguished themselves in their respective fields but with big hearts for all Bicolanos

Christopher S. Co, a business administration graduate, is an entrepreneur who is very active in different philanthropic endeavors from feeding programs, livelihood and skills training, tourism promotion and church-sponsored charities throughout the Bicol region. A reluctant nominee, he is the President of the Filipino-Chinese Fire Volunteers Brigade which have helped in fire prevention and safety throughout the region . He will spearhead the economic development program of AKB in Congress.

Rodel M. Batocabe, a lawyer and political consultant, graduated valedictorian from Aquinas Univeristy Science Oriented High School. He finished his Economics and Bachelor of Laws degrees (both With Honors) at the University of the Philippines in Diliman. He also took his Master’s in Public Administration from the State University. As a working student while in law school, he worked in Congress as researcher and eventually promoted as Legislative Staff Chief. He has been a consultant to various Bicolano politicians while maintaining his law offices at the Ortigas Center in Metro Manila as well as in Legazpi City. He has also been a consultant to the Office of the Presidential Assistant for Bicol under Usec . Mario K. Espinosa. An advocate of various Bicolano causes, Atty. Batocabe has been very active in various Bicolano organizations since his college days.

Alfredo A. Garbin Jr., a lawyer, was born and raised in Naga City but took his undergraduate degree and law courses at the Bicol University and Aquinas University in Legazpi City, respectively. A two-term councilor, Atty. Garbin has been awarded as one of Ten Outstanding Councilors of the Philippines for 2009 , an annual search conducted by JCI Philippines. Atty. Garbin was cited for his exemplary and extra-ordinary contributions to local legislation involving disaster management, resettlement, tourism promotion, income generation, youth development, public welfare, legal aid , manpower training, transport service, information and communication and environmental protection and development. Atty. Garbin is the ONLY Bicolano councilor awarded so far since the Philippine Jaycees initiated this award.

We really appreciate Atty. General’s article as this provided our party-list, AKB, the opportunity to correct whatever misconceptions and misinformed perceptions. We then now invite Atty. General to join and help us in AKB to realize our dreams for a united, prosperous and better Bicol Region. We might not be able to immediately alleviate the conditions of majority of our fellow Bicolanos, but at least, we tried to make a difference. If we can just lift at least one Bicolano family from the clutches of poverty, that is already one less poor family in Bicol. And if we cannot achieve all our dreams in our generation, hopefully, the next generation will. With his talent and intelligence, Atty. General is an asset to AKB and can also make a lot of difference in the lives of our brethren. For after all, ang sabi ta ngani---SINDA..KITA…IKA..GABOS KITA…AKO BICOL!